
May 7, 2014

(For the programmers) You need to pick your side

Let me state a fact, you spend time a lot of time on the internet reading about debate between design features of various programming languages, there pros and cons, why one language is better or should be preferred over the other. It's just not very relevant. You'll be lost for long and just won't get up and do something if you don't quit the above described behavior.

You need to pick your domain, your side, your gut as to what you need to concentrate on. For example, the above makes more sense and is really more meaningful and helpful to a language designer or writer of a compiler, beacause he needs to know that. You need to make a choice, are you a language designer or a application developer? Both are referred to same term as 'programmer' which is awfully wrong, but let's be clear don't put the term programmer' on your resume. I know it won't matter for many people, but the great hiring minds do know what they read. So if you say that you are a Application Developer, they know that whether you got the skills required for the job. It would have been wage if you put it as a 'programmer'.

Application development is a thing in which you struggle getting the output for the requirements. You need to have a well-planned design for your project.You don't need to know about differences and similarities between the various programming languages. And of-course you would be developing your application in a single programming language mostly (maybe two as there always comes scripting a little bit). So, just be away from those debates and try not to start one, because it's just a waste of time if you are not a program/compiler designer.

But, there are already many programming languages out there, so how do you decide? Also there are tons of places having the above mentioned debates. So, for the readers, I suggest to go-through this one post about choosing a language(if that's your question), which very carefully discusses the things quickly and stikes-out the options.

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